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Ceara Tourism Benefits from New Shopping Centres
Ceara Tourism Benefits from New Shopping Centres

Two new shopping centres have just opened in Ceará creating thousands of new jobs and enhancing the state’s tourist attractions. Demand from resident and visitor consumers continues to grow in the state, leading both regional and national economic performances.

Brazilian Property Market Continues to Grow
Brazilian Property Market Continues to Grow

Latest statistics for Brazilian property show signs of stable price growth throughout the country. In terms of mortgage lending, September’s figures are the best for 20 years, particularly in the state of Ceará, northeast Brazil, where home loans have increased by nearly 40 per cent this year.

Luxury Addition to Brazil’s Up and Coming North East Coast
Luxury Addition to Brazil’s Up and Coming North East Coast

The idyllic beach location of Praia de Guajiru on Brazil’s north east Ceará coastline has made its mark firmly on the world’s map of top luxury travel destinations. The resort is now home to the Hotel of the Year, an internationally-acclaimed award for the very best in luxurious holiday accommodation.

Northeast Brazil Remains Big Holiday Favourite
Northeast Brazil Remains Big Holiday Favourite

A recent survey confirms that Brazilians are travelling more than ever. The same survey also highlighted Northeast Brazil’s status as the nation’s favourite holiday destination. With tourist spending at historic highs, Brazilian tourism looks set for the best year ever.

New Statistics for Brazilian Property Market
New Statistics for Brazilian Property Market

A new statistical tool has just appeared on the Brazilian property market to allow easy price comparison. This latest device adds further transparency to the market and helps homebuyers gauge house prices in different parts of Brazil.

Fortaleza Leads Brazilian Property Market
Fortaleza Leads Brazilian Property Market

Fortaleza, the capital of Ceará in Northeast Brazil, continues to hold a privileged position in the Brazilian property market. Not only is the city one of the few where prices are rising above inflation, Fortaleza also stands out in sales figures.

FIFA World Cup Springboard for Ceará Tourism
FIFA World Cup Springboard for Ceará Tourism

The forthcoming FIFA World Cup is an exceptional opportunity for tourism in Brazil. During one month, Brazil will be placed in an international spotlight with all eyes focused on what the country has to offer. Hundreds of thousands of visitors and high expenditure are expected, and officials are fully confident that the World Cup will boost tourism in Brazil to unprecedented levels.

2014 Tourism Looks Promising in Ceará
2014 Tourism Looks Promising in Ceará

Ceará is one of Brazil’s most popular places for tourism and 2014 looks set to be a record year for the state. The combination of travel accolades and FIFA World Cup matches in Fortaleza are expected to push visitor figures up and raise Ceará’s profile as a prime holiday destination.

Why Northeast Brazil is Growing in Popularity
Why Northeast Brazil is Growing in Popularity

Brazil’s north east is catching up with its more prosperous southern counterpart. Northeast Brazil has been Brazil’s economic superstar over the last decade. The region’s GDP between 2000 and 2010 was an average 4.2% per annum, higher growth than in the rest of the country.

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