As últimas notícias e pesquisas sobre investimentos imobiliários

Good News for Rental Returns on US Property
Good News for Rental Returns on US Property

The combination of more people looking for a home and higher property prices is putting strong pressure on the US rental market. As a result, analysts predict monthly rental rates will rise yet again this year, excellent news for investment in buy-to-let property in the US.

US Vacation Property Investment at Record Levels
US Vacation Property Investment at Record Levels

Holiday homes have become the preferred category of US property investment according to a recent survey. Vacation homes sales have increased to the point of overtaking investment purchases. Despite the change in tendency, both investor types are unanimous that now is the time to buy property in the US.

Exceptional Growth by Northeast Brazil Economy
Exceptional Growth by Northeast Brazil Economy

It’s full steam ahead for the economy in the state of Ceará in northeast Brazil. Figures just published for its GDP performance for last year show Ceará is growing fast and considerably ahead of the rest of Brazil.

Most Popular Brazil Holiday Destinations
Most Popular Brazil Holiday Destinations

Statistics recently released by the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism pinpoint Fortaleza in the northeast of Brazil as one of the country’s most visited holiday destinations in 2014. Furthermore, the ‘City of the Sun’ ranked high on the list of preferred places for Easter holidays in Brazil with record figures for visitors and spending.

Florida Property Investment Best
Florida Property Investment Best

A recent survey ranks several locations in Florida as the best in the US for property investment. The reports highlights property in Jacksonville, Orlando and Tampa as especially attractive for the passive investor, particularly those building a rental property portfolio.

New Residents Flock to Florida
New Residents Flock to Florida

Florida has always appealed as a place to live. Its year-round sunshine, stunning beaches and endless tourist attractions are legend. In addition, plentiful job opportunities and a stable, affordable property market make Florida one of the most sought-after relocation destinations in the world.

Luxury Property in Brazil Attracts Wealthy
Luxury Property in Brazil Attracts Wealthy

Luxury property has moved to the top of the investment agenda in 2015 for the world’s richest people with a significant percentage planning to buy property this year. The number rises even higher in Latin America where Brazilian cities feature among those with high property price increases.

Ceará is Northeast Brazil Holiday Favourite
Ceará is Northeast Brazil Holiday Favourite

The state of Ceará and its capital Fortaleza remain firm Brazilian holiday favourites, ranking among the country’s top destinations. In addition, tourism in the state is booming with record visitor and spending figures.

US Apartment Properties Driving Economy
US Apartment Properties Driving Economy

Just 12 per cent of the US population live in apartments, but recent research on this market shows that its impact on the economy is far more wide-reaching than envisaged. The pressure on supply from strong demand also makes apartments one of the most attractive US property options, particularly as buy-to-let investments.

Growth by Diversification in Houston
Growth by Diversification in Houston

Oil prices may have fallen, but the US energy capital Texas continues to lead the nation. This is particularly true in Houston where a diversified economy is ensuring job creation and record property prices.

Best Time in 11 Years to Invest in Brazil
Best Time in 11 Years to Invest in Brazil

The Brazilian currency, the real, recently fell to its lowest level against the US dollar for over a decade. While this was bad news for Brazilians investing in the US, it represents an excellent opportunity for foreigners thinking of adding Brazil to their portfolio. Assets in Brazil such as property are now at their cheapest for years.

Florida Properties Benefit from Baby Boomers
Florida Properties Benefit from Baby Boomers

A recent survey among retirees and pre-retirees in the US finds that the baby boomer generation is a force to be reckoned with. It also pinpoints Florida as a preferred retirement destination. These conclusions underline the investment potential in properties in Florida catering for this sector of the population.

Ceará Brazilian Property Oasis
Ceará Brazilian Property Oasis

With a low inventory, pent-up demand and record levels of new mortgages, property in Ceará, northeast Brazil stands out in the Brazilian property market. Market conditions are so buoyant in the state that Ceará property is known as an “oasis”.

More Flights between Northeast Brazil and Europe
More Flights between Northeast Brazil and Europe

The announcement of more flights between Fortaleza and European capitals is good news for both tourists and those looking to buy property in Brazil. As from June this year, the capital of Ceará state in Northeast Brazil will offer weekly flights to two more European capitals, Amsterdam and Paris.

Full Steam Ahead for US Economy
Full Steam Ahead for US Economy

Recent US economic figures show the country is on track for one of the most buoyant years since the beginning of the crisis. Economists believe 2015 will be the strongest for a decade and point to several factors driving economic growth. These include consumer spending, job creation and the US property market.

Northeast Brazil Holiday Lets Take Off
Northeast Brazil Holiday Lets Take Off

Brazilian holiday lets are on the rise, particularly in regions offering stunning beaches and year-round dependable weather. One such location in Ceará in northeast Brazil where holiday rentals increased by 20 per cent in 2014.

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