Pecem Port expects to double business this year

Pecem Port expects to double business this year

Latest figures for import and export handling at Pecem Port, one of the largest ports in Northeast Brazil, point to an excellent start to the year. The port and state authorities believe 2016 will be a year of consolidation at Pecem Port for both business opportunities and employment as the port continues its expansion plans. This BRIC Group news article explains why.


2016 got off to an excellent start for Pecem Port. Transaction figures for January show a year-on-year increase of 8 per cent with over 700,000 tonnes of goods passing through the port. Statistics for handling show an ever higher rise with the total going up by 52 per cent.


Exports had a particularly good month with an increase of 87 per cent to reach over 126,500 tonnes. Iron ore made up the lion’s share of exports with over 40,000 tonnes with fresh fruit in second place with nearly 25,000 tonnes.


Steel production due to start

Iron ore imports have also increased hugely. A shipment of 110,000 that arrived in mid-February was the largest dry bulk cargo ever to arrive in Pecem Port and this is just the beginning. The port is home to the Pecem Steel Company (Companhia Siderúgica de Pécem/ CSP), the largest private investment company in Ceará and due to begin operations this year.


In January, representatives from Posco, one of the companies that make up CSP, visited Pecem Port to inspect the installations as the port readies itself for the production of steel plates. The Posco representatives reported that they were impressed by port’s infrastructure and reiterated CSP’s intention to start steel plate manufacture this year. Initial estimates put the first production at 3 million steel plates.


Fresh fruit hub

Pecem Port authorities recently visited Fruit Logistic Berlin, one of the largest agrofood fairs in the world, with the view to promoting the port as one of the main import and export points in Northeast Brazil.


Pecem Port is currently the largest exporter of fresh fruit in Brazil, a position it holds thanks to its infrastructure and installations, and its location. The state of Ceará is the closest point between Europe and South America, a distinct logistic advantage when it comes to food exports.


Fresh fruit exports from Pecem Port reached record levels in 2015 when over 235,000 tonnes of fruit left the port, mainly bound for the Netherlands, UK and US. This figure represents an increase of 43 per cent on 2014.


Good outlook for 2016

According to Danilo Serpa, director of Cearaportos, the positive results seen in 2015 and the first month of this year are fruit of intensive promotion of the port. “We want to bring more investments to Ceará and hopefully by the end of the year, this growth will be even greater,” he said.


Cearaportos is working towards doubling handling figures this year based on new business and the start of steel manufacturing. This extra activity will generate myriad job opportunities, particularly in the professional sector as expansion of the port installations including the steel plant require highly qualified personnel. The increase in port operations will also add considerably to the state’s revenue and economic growth.


“At BRIC Group, we see clear potential in Pecem Port, both for the local economy and for investment opportunities in the area,” says Dies Poppeliers, Managing Director of BRIC Group. “Skilled professionals relocating to Ceará to work at the port will require quality housing, a demand that will create buy-to-let opportunities for property owners in nearby locations.”


Mr Poppeliers also pointed out that the recent conversion of 29km of the CE-085 to dual-carriageway in the stretch between Paracuru and Trairi greatly boosts connections in the area. “Not only it is now quicker and safer to get to Pecem Port and Fortaleza from Trairi, it’s also easier to holidaymakers arriving at Fortaleza Airport to reach the wonderful beaches in this part of Northeast Brazil,” he said.


An investment company specialising in global real estate opportunities, BRIC Group is currently developing The Coral resort, in Northeast Brazil, a luxury beachfront resort. BRIC Group also offers US real estate investments including turnkey properties in Florida and Houston, and land plots in Florida. BRIC Group has been creating wealth for its clients since 1996 and has offices in Brazil, Dubai (consulting office), Hungary, Spain and the US.


Source: Pecem Port authorities