Most Popular Brazil Holiday Destinations

Most Popular Brazil Holiday Destinations

Statistics recently released by the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism pinpoint Fortaleza in the northeast of Brazil as one of the country’s most visited holiday destinations in 2014. Furthermore, the ‘City of the Sun’ ranked high on the list of preferred places for Easter holidays in Brazil with record figures for visitors and spending.


At the top of the list of cities that received most tourists during 2014 was Brazil’s financial capital, Sao Paulo, followed by Rio de Janeiro and Bahia. In fourth position was Fortaleza, the capital of the state of Ceará. According to official statistics, over 3 million tourists visited Ceará last year, an increase of 400,000 on the previous year.


Fortaleza also ranks among the preferred destinations for Brazilians during the recent Easter holiday. Statistics released by the holiday portal Viajanet placed Fortaleza in fifth place with 10 per cent of total enquiries behind Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Recife and Salvador.


Ceará state is enjoying its best tourism figures ever. Visitors during high season (December to February) numbered over 1 million with over 5 per cent more Brazilian tourists and nearly 10 per cent more foreigners choosing the state for a holiday. Visitors also boomed during the Carnival period with nearly 100,000 tourists, 7.2 per cent more than 2014.


The Easter holiday has followed a similar pattern. The Ceará tourist authorities predictions point to a record Easter season for the state with 57,000 visitors (up 5 per cent on 2014). The majority of tourists chose to stay in the capital while around 26,000 travelled beyond Fortaleza to the state’s coastal destinations such as Canoa Quebrada, Flecheiras and Jericoacoara.


Officials believe 2015 will be an excellent year for tourism generally in Ceará. New international flight are connecting the state with Amsterdam and Paris, and domestic flights are also on the rise. According to Viajanet statistics, air travel in Brazil grew by 42 per cent between January and March this year. The strong dollar means more Brazilians are travelling within their own country and more foreigners are visiting Brazil.


Source: Brazilian Ministry of Tourism, O Povo