FIFA World Cup Springboard for Ceará Tourism

FIFA World Cup Springboard for Ceará Tourism

The forthcoming FIFA World Cup is an exceptional opportunity for tourism in Brazil. During one month, Brazil will be placed in an international spotlight with all eyes focused on what the country has to offer. Hundreds of thousands of visitors and high expenditure are expected, and officials are fully confident that the World Cup will boost tourism in Brazil to unprecedented levels.


Ceará in northeast Brazil is taking maximum advantage of the platform provided by the World Cup. State tourism authorities plan to use the sporting tournament to promote the unique tourist attractions and excellent infrastructure.


Some 350,000 visitors are expected in Ceará for the six matches taking place in the newly-refurbished stadium in Fortaleza. Foreigners will make up around 40 per cent of the total numbers, considerably higher than usual tourism figures where Brazilian tourists usually dominate. Visitors from the US, Germany, Spain and Mexico will account for the bulk of international arrivals in the city. In Brazil as a whole, US tourists will represent 22 per cent of international visitors followed by Argentina (7 per cent) and Germany and the UK (a combined 5 per cent).


In terms of revenue, the outlook for Ceará looks equally buoyant. Expenditure per capita is forecast to be around R$1,900 per person, translating into total spending of R$665 million. The impact on state revenue through World Cup tourism is considerably higher and should reach at least R$1.16 billion.


Promotional work of Ceará and its numerous tourist attractions has moved up a notch this year and one of the first results was the setting up of a direct flight between Buenos Aires and Fortaleza. This has been followed by the opening of a direct route linking Miami with Brazil’s most popular holiday spot. This flight started at the end of May and is expected to boost interest in Ceará from Americans. Further additions in 2014 to Fortaleza’s international flight listings will be Frankfurt in June and the capital of Colombia, Bogotá in August.


Along with arrivals by air, Fortaleza also receives cruise passengers and this sector has seen reinforcement in preparation for the World Cup too. One of the world’s largest cruise ships, the MSG Divina, will dock at Mucuripe Port with 3,500 Mexicans on board for probably Fortaleza’s most anticipated match – Mexico versus Brazil on 17 June.


Fortaleza hosts a total of six World Cup matches during the tournament. Four group matches will be played in the city followed by one round of 16 and one quarter final. Fortaleza is the only city in the northeast to host a quarter final, a privilege that will showcase Ceará alongside Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Brasilia.


Source: Ceara Government