Ceará - updated figures of tourism

Ceará - updated figures of tourism

Over the last few years we have seen a notable increase in the number of tourists visiting Ceará. But lately, these numbers are growing more and more and at a faster pace. The Coral Resort situated in Trairi, Ceará, will benefit from this continuous increase in tourism.


New Tourism Figures

According to data from the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), Ceará is the fastest growing state in terms of international tourism. From January to August 2019, Ceará has experienced an increase of 74% in foreign visitors flying directly. About 200,000 tourists visited the state and the top three nationalities were: Americans, French and Dutch.


Bahia is the next state with a decent increase of 5.2%. São Paulo’s figures also were positive as it saw a 3.2% growth. The states of Rio de Janeiro (-2.6%), Pernambuco (-5.4%) and Minas Gerais (-28%).


"We are growing higher than the national average and the forecast is very positive. Our job is to continue to boost these numbers and also, we want to impress tourists so that will want to come back and speak well of our destination to their families and friends. " said the Secretary of Tourism of Ceará, Arialdo Pine.


Events and Activities

Within the tourism sector, one of the main activities that Ceará will be partaking in is the participation of Ceará in major tourism fairs and events not only in Brazil but also in many other countries. This week, the state starts a “promotional tour”. On Wednesday (25), Ceará will be present in Abav Expo in São Paulo, one of the leading national industry events. Also, next week, Ceará will be in Paris, Amsterdam, Buenos Aires and Italy.


"The next few weeks are very important in the tourism calendar and Ceará will not miss out. We will participate in all events. We will succeed by combining the attendance in important events and investing in advertising and improving the state's infrastructure, " added the secretary.



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(Source: Ceará Agora)