Carnival attracts more than 143,000 tourists to ceará

Carnival attracts more than 143,000 tourists to ceará

On the coast, the average hotel occupancy is 91.4%. The carnival holiday is expected to generate an income of around R $ 480 million in the State of Ceará. The Coral Resort is located in Ceará where we offer different investment opportunities.


Tourists in Carnival

The number of tourists in 2020 is 8.8% higher than the one registered in the same period last year. Furthermore, the income generated this year shows an increase of 12% compared to the same holiday in 2019. Fortaleza Airport is expected to receive 19 extra flights (landings and take-offs) between February 21st and 26th, according to Fraport.


Hotel occupancy

The average hotel occupancy in the beaches of Ceará is at 91.4%. Buses in the area are expected to handle 90 thousand passengers, showing a 41% growth compared to 2019. “Many tourists seek Ceará to rest, but also to enjoy the party in Fortaleza and on the main beaches in the state. Our occupancy rate is excellent”, points out the Secretary of Tourism of Ceará, Arialdo Pinho.


Retail industry

Last but not least, The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), has released another positive result for the economy of Ceará. The volume of sales in the retail industry grew in Ceará by 4.3% in November 2019 compared to the same period in 2018. Also, these numbers show a growth above the national average of 3.8%. Having received this number of tourists in 2020 the sales in the retail industry are expected to carry on increasing.


(Source: Governo do Ceará)