Big expansion at Pecem Port

Big expansion at Pecem Port

After major expansion of infrastructure at Pecem Port, one of the largest in Brazil, the export-import facilities are set to record major increases. As Pecem Port grows larger and handles more cargo the demand for property in this part of Northeast Brazil expands.


Pecem Port, around 40 minutes west of Fortaleza, the capital of Ceará in Northeast Brazil, enjoys a strategic location. It’s Brazil’s closest point to Europe and as such, is 3,000km nearer than Rio de Janeiro, for example. This gives Pecem Port a huge logistical advantage over other Brazilian ports and accounts for the surge in activity at the port so far this year. The recent opening of the second Panama Canal is also expected to directly benefit Pecem Port.


Record first half of the year

In June, Pecem Port handled 96 per cent more cargo than in the same month last year. In the first six months of this year, almost 4.3 tonnes passed through the Port, up 9 per cent on January to June last year. Exports grew up 25 per cent and imports by 7 per cent.


Fruit accounts for one of the most important products to pass through the facilities. In 2015, Pecem Port was the top exporter of fresh fruits from Brazil with 235,438 tonnes. The Port handled all fruits exported by Bollo Brasil Tropical Fruits, one of the largest producers of melons in the world and 90 per cent all of mango exports (32,000 tonnes) to the US.


According to Danilo Serpa, the President of Cearáportos responsible for management of Pecem, this massive uptick in activity is a reflection of hard work and investment made in infrastructure. “Pecem Port is experiencing a unique moment,” he said, “growing at a difficult time for the Brazilian economy.” He attributed the growth in handling capacity to the acquisition of new equipment and the expansion of the port that has doubled its size.


New exports begin

Another reason for the massive increase in cargo handling during June comes in Pecem Steel Corporation (CSP in Brazilian) who started activities in that month. The CSP is due to begin exporting steel slabs during the second half of the year, leading Serpa to believe that figures for cargo handling should be even higher.


“We want to end 2016 at the top of the handling ranking for fruits as we did last year,” he said, “and we have high expectations for steel exports.” CSP is forecast to move 3 million tonnes of steel slabs during the initial phase of its activity.


As well as steel and fruit, Pecem Port has just started handling all products from the recently-opened Ecopellet plant in Piaui. All the pallets and briquettes for renewable energy manufactured at the plant will pass through Pecem Port. Ecopellet exports are expected to average 120 tonnes a day.


Agreement with Port of Rotterdam

In early August, the governor of Ceará visited the Port of Rotterdam, one of the largest in the world, with the view to furthering the agreement signed between the Dutch port and Pecem last year. The Port of Rotterdam has shown strong interest in investment in the Export Processing Zones at Pecem. In addition, the governor explored possibilities of partnerships between Pecem Port and Dutch companies for the import-export of cranes and refrigerated and frozen foods.


Demand for property

“Booming business at Pecem Port is undoubtedly good news for property located in this part of Northeast Brazil,” said Dies Poppeliers, Managing Director of BRIC Group. “Demand is likely to increase, particularly at the high end of the market, from employees at the Port, both at the CSP and in cargo handling activities.”


An investment company specialising in global real estate opportunities, BRIC Group is currently developing The Coral resort, in Northeast Brazil, a luxury beachfront resort. BRIC Group also offers US real estate investments including turnkey properties in Florida and Houston, and land plots in Florida. BRIC Group has been creating wealth for its clients since 1996 and has offices in Brazil, Dubai (consulting office), Hungary, Spain and the US.


(Sources: Ceará Government, O Povo newspaper)