Beaches in Ceará favourites for summer

Beaches in Ceará favourites for summer

With their miles and miles of sandy Atlantic coastline, beaches in Ceará regularly feature on must-visits for summer holidays. The broadsheet Clarín recently published a list of the top Brazilian beaches for Argentinian tourists and those in Ceará made the listing. With additional flights linking the largest cities in Argentina with Fortaleza Airport, beaches in Ceará can expect a big influx of tourists this year.


Why beaches in Brazil

The article bases its choice of top ten Brazilian beaches on those selected by Argentinians for their summer holidays last year. Benefits of the Brazil coastline include its proximity to Argentina – many Brazilian airports are just a short flight from Argentina.


It’s also convenient. Argentinians have a wide range of flights to Brazil with many extra services during the busy summer period between December and February. This is the case with Fortaleza Airport where Gol airlines planned to add more seats on its flights to Rosario and Cordoba. Tourists from Argentina will therefore find it easier to get to the beaches in Ceará.


The third reason that explains the Argentinian love of Brazilian beaches comes in their familiarity. They feel at home in Brazil, which is after all their next-door neighbour.


Why beaches in Ceará

Last summer, Argentinians included beaches in Ceará among their favourites for a holiday. Clarín describes the selection of beaches on the coastline where tourists are spoilt for choice. The article begins in Fortaleza, home to several stunning beaches including the Praia do Futuro. Here, the article recommends trying the lobster and crab.


The broadsheet then moves east to beaches. Highlights here are Monte Blanco, famous for its cliff labyrinth and Canoa Quebrada, a beach that regularly features on the list of the best in Brazil. On the west side of the Ceará coast, Clarín highlights Cumbuco, renowned for its lagoons, Lagoinha and Trairi. It claims these beaches in Ceará make up a “unique place” on the coastline.


Not such a well-kept secret

Trairi with its sandy beaches such as Mundau, Flecheiras and Guajiru, tends to sit under the tourist radar, although the state’s best-kept secret is starting to get out. Mundau beach featured as one of the best for a honeymoon in Brazil in a survey by the travel portal Kayak in April this year. And the Huffington Post described Trairi beaches as “1 of the 7 under the radar destinations to ignite your sense of wonder”.


The Coral Resort developed by the BRIC Group at Guajirú has also placed Ceará beaches on the international radar. But the area still remains one of the quietest on the Ceará coastline. This means visitors can still enjoy peace and tranquillity as well as miles of golden sand flanked by palm trees and lagoons.


(Source: Clarín)