Be awed on holiday in Ceará, Northeast Brazil

Be awed on holiday in Ceará, Northeast Brazil

The world isn’t home to many lesser-known holiday destinations, but there’s one in Northeast Brazil that’s so amazing you should “do yourself a favour and book immediately”. Prepare a holiday in Ceará Northeast Brazil and be prepared for an “awesome experience”.


So says a recent article in the travel section of The Huffington Post that reveals places in the world where you will really be awe-inspired. According to the piece, titled 7 under the radar destinations that will ignite your sense of wonder research into wellbeing has shown that if you allow yourself to “set aside time for awesome experiences” your life may be happier as a result.


To help you lead a happier life, The Huffington Post identifies seven places in the world where this sort of awesome experience is available. And top of this list of natural beauties with powers to “ignite your sense of wonder” sits Ceará in Northeast Brazil. Specifically, the dune scape at Jericoacoara, situated at the northern tip of the state.


This small beach resort is typical of the Ceará coastline – miles of rolling dunes backing more miles of unspoilt sands where you can really get away from it as well as take in some stunning tropical landscapes. These beach settings also lend themselves to spectacular sunsets while the prevalent ocean breezes provide ideal conditions for wind and kitesurfers.


Jericoacoara has already made a name for itself among Brazilians keen to experience water sports in the area and climb the famous Pôr do Sol dune whose height offers great sunset vistas. And the fishing resort is starting to gain popularity among foreign tourists, also drawn to other similarly spectacular beachfront locations in Ceará. Some fairly well-known outside Brazil such as Canoa Quebrada and Cumboco and others, less familiar but just as “awesome” like Guajirú and Baleia.


Proof that Ceará is no longer so ‘under the radar’ come in its tourism figures. These have risen significantly since the middle of last year when the state hosted several FIFA world cup matches and established itself firmly on the international tourist map. International visitor figures during the first half of this year reached their highest ever, up 21 per cent on 2014 giving an indication of the interest in this part of Northeast Brazil.


So, if you’re in search of a happier life, do as The Huffington Post suggests: consider this top listing in the world’s seven natural wonders “and book a ticket immediately” for a holiday in Ceará Northeast Brazil.


Source: HuffPost Travel