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Demand for Brazilian real estate grows still further
Demand for Brazilian real estate grows still further

The intention to buy Brazilian real estate reached its highest for over 2 years in August, with Generation Z among the keenest to purchase their own home. As a result, property prices continued their steady upward trend and increased by double the inflation rate.

What does the Brazilian dream home look like?
What does the Brazilian dream home look like?

Almost 40% of Brazilians are looking to move this year and a Brazilian dream home must-have list includes a new build on the coast and more space. The result? “A revealing scenario” for the property market this year. Find out more.

Future trends for buying property in Brazil
Future trends for buying property in Brazil

Discover the new trends for buying property in Brazil where the market continues to move fast on the back of high demand. High-end properties with outdoor space are among the most sought-after homes. Find out more.

Why 2021 is the year to buy Brazilian real estate in dollars
Why 2021 is the year to buy Brazilian real estate in dollars

The strong dollar means currency opportunities for investors with Brazilian real estate offering the best in 2021. Exchange rates this year mean that Brazilian property is the world super champ when it comes to greenback buyers.

Positive outlook for brazil property
Positive outlook for brazil property

A recent conference looked at the impact of coronavirus on the construction sector and its knock-on effect for real estate in Brazil. Participating experts suggested key areas that Brazil needs to focus on and came to the conclusion that the outlook for Brazil property is positive.

The number of households increases in ceará
The number of households increases in ceará

The Institute of Economic Research and Strategy of Ceará (IPEC) has published new data regarding households in Brazil. In 2018 the number of households in Ceará increased by 3.7% compared to 2017, totalling 110 billion new units.

Strong Q4 for Brazil property market
Strong Q4 for Brazil property market

Increased confidence saw a surge in sales and launches on the Brazil property market at the end of 2018. Developers expect strong demand in 2019.

Brazilian property market shifts up a gear
Brazilian property market shifts up a gear

Shifts in the economy, low interest rates and more consumer confidence mean the Brazilian property market is trending upwards. Is the time to buy now?

Brazilian Real Estate Moves onto Canadian’s Radar
Brazilian Real Estate Moves onto Canadian’s Radar

Brazilian real estate has entered the radar for Canadian investors who are advised to take a look at Ceará state in Northeast Brazil. Find out why.

Busy Autumn for Fortaleza Property Market
Busy Autumn for Fortaleza Property Market

After a strong August, Fortaleza property market looks set for a busy autumn with favourable mortgage conditions and falling supply. Find out why.

Big Hike in Sales and Launches of Brazilian Property
Big Hike in Sales and Launches of Brazilian Property

Sales and launches of Brazilian property have soared this year with strong demand drastically reducing supply. Read on for the figures.

Atlantica Hotels International Joins Fractional Market in Brazil
Atlantica Hotels International Joins Fractional Market in Brazil

With wide experience in luxury hotels, Atlantica Hotels International joins the fractional market offering the synergy of homeownership with hotel services.

Low Interest Rate Favours Brazilian Property Market
Low Interest Rate Favours Brazilian Property Market

The historic low in Brazilian interest rates since mid-2017 has sparked fierce competition among banks striving to attract clients. As a result, analysts expect the Brazilian property market to see supply drop dramatically by the end of this year.

Boom in Brazilian real estate funds
Boom in Brazilian real estate funds

Low interest rates and improved market conditions lead to booming investment in Brazilian real estate funds, a trend set to last for at least 2 years.

Full steam ahead for Brazilian property market this year
Full steam ahead for Brazilian property market this year

After a strong 2017 with increases in launches and sales, analysts are predicting an excellent year for the Brazilian property market in 2018.

Ceará property market has best December for 3 years
Ceará property market has best December for 3 years

December ended a strong year for the Ceará property market when the number and value of sales grew. Analysts expect further consolidation in 2018

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