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No signs of crisis in Ceará property, car sales or industry
No signs of crisis in Ceará property, car sales or industry

The economy in Ceará in northeast Brazil continues to move in the opposite direction to the rest of Brazil. In Ceará, the property market, car sales and the industrial sector are all growing while those in the country as a whole register negative numbers.

Tourism in Ceará stands out in Northeast Brazil
Tourism in Ceará stands out in Northeast Brazil

July promises to be an excellent month for tourism in Ceará, a state already leading Northeast Brazil in the creation of tourism-related jobs. Along with high hotel occupation, holiday lets in Ceará are booming as Brazilians continue to choose to holiday in this part of Brazil.

Ceará economy a cut above the rest of Brazil
Ceará economy a cut above the rest of Brazil

Statistics for the Ceará economy released last week show this state in northeast Brazil flying high above the rest of Brazil. The Ceará economic figures are particularly strong in the tourism sector where Ceará continues to make its mark as one of the top destinations for a holiday in Brazil.

Northeast Brazil gateway to the world
Northeast Brazil gateway to the world

The recent Brazilian Tourism Market held in Ceará confirmed the appeal of Northeast Brazil to both national and international buyers. The number of meetings and volume of business reached record levels with big interest in the region from international markets. In separate but equally significant negotiations, the Port of Pécem in Ceará reached a landmark agreement with the Italian port of La Spezia.

Exceptional Growth by Northeast Brazil Economy
Exceptional Growth by Northeast Brazil Economy

It’s full steam ahead for the economy in the state of Ceará in northeast Brazil. Figures just published for its GDP performance for last year show Ceará is growing fast and considerably ahead of the rest of Brazil.

Most Popular Brazil Holiday Destinations
Most Popular Brazil Holiday Destinations

Statistics recently released by the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism pinpoint Fortaleza in the northeast of Brazil as one of the country’s most visited holiday destinations in 2014. Furthermore, the ‘City of the Sun’ ranked high on the list of preferred places for Easter holidays in Brazil with record figures for visitors and spending.

Ceará is Northeast Brazil Holiday Favourite
Ceará is Northeast Brazil Holiday Favourite

The state of Ceará and its capital Fortaleza remain firm Brazilian holiday favourites, ranking among the country’s top destinations. In addition, tourism in the state is booming with record visitor and spending figures.

Ceará Brazilian Property Oasis
Ceará Brazilian Property Oasis

With a low inventory, pent-up demand and record levels of new mortgages, property in Ceará, northeast Brazil stands out in the Brazilian property market. Market conditions are so buoyant in the state that Ceará property is known as an “oasis”.

More Flights between Northeast Brazil and Europe
More Flights between Northeast Brazil and Europe

The announcement of more flights between Fortaleza and European capitals is good news for both tourists and those looking to buy property in Brazil. As from June this year, the capital of Ceará state in Northeast Brazil will offer weekly flights to two more European capitals, Amsterdam and Paris.

Northeast Brazil Holiday Lets Take Off
Northeast Brazil Holiday Lets Take Off

Brazilian holiday lets are on the rise, particularly in regions offering stunning beaches and year-round dependable weather. One such location in Ceará in northeast Brazil where holiday rentals increased by 20 per cent in 2014.

Brazil Tourist Spending at Record Levels
Brazil Tourist Spending at Record Levels

On the back of the FIFA World Cup celebrated in Brazil last year, spending by foreigners in the country reached record levels. Brazil continues to attract increasing numbers of tourists and this year’s carnival season is expected to set new records.

Northeast Brazilian Property and Job Markets Boom
Northeast Brazilian Property and Job Markets Boom

The figures just released for employment and property in northeast Brazil highlight that both markets are booming and well ahead of those at national level. The state of Ceará was one of the centres for job creation as well as a hot spot for property.

Investment Pours Into Northeast Brazil
Investment Pours Into Northeast Brazil

PepsiCo’s foods division is looking to double its revenue in the next three to four years in Brazil in spite of a recent slowdown in Latin America’s largest economy. PepsiCo’s plan reflects the belief of many local groups and multinationals that the longer term structural source of economic growth in Brazil, the rise of its lower-middle class, especially in the traditionally poorer northeast, is intact.

Fortaleza Property Market Heats up
Fortaleza Property Market Heats up

At the year comes to a close, all signs point to an excellent year for property in Fortaleza. Fuelled by robust demand and keen interest from buyers, more strong activity in all property sectors is forecast for 2015.

Time for Growth in Brazil Investment
Time for Growth in Brazil Investment

The latest Ernst & Young Capital Confidence Barometer for Brazil finds levels of confidence high with a bright outlook for the immediate future. Executives, both globally and in Brazil, feel the time is right to grow their investment in Brazil.

Demand for Property in Ceara, Northeast Brazil Set to Escalate
Demand for Property in Ceara, Northeast Brazil Set to Escalate

With billions in investment and state-of-the-art installations, Pecém Port is on track to become one of Brazil’s of largest import-export centres. Together with its steel plant and oil refinery, the port will create over 130,000 jobs and add double-figure increases to Ceará’s GDP between now and 2020. This unprecedented injection of wealth will have huge implications on the demand for property in the area.

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