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Rentals Future for US Property Market?
Rentals Future for US Property Market?

Recent census data reveals that the US property market is increasingly dominated by renters rather than homebuyers. Homeownership levels are at their lowest for 20 years with particularly high drops in Florida. The data has prompted some analysts to predict that the future of the US real estate market could well lie in rental properties.

Florida Property Investment Offers Best Rental Returns
Florida Property Investment Offers Best Rental Returns

A favourite with relocators, retirees and holiday makers, property in Florida continues to offer some of the best rental returns in the US. Latest data from RealtyTrac pinpoints several locations in Florida as top for rental returns, safe havens for rental investment and perfect for the baby boomer market.

Florida property market on steady, sustainable path
Florida property market on steady, sustainable path

Latest statistics for the Florida property market during 2014 show sustainable levels of sales and steady rises in prices. Analysts claim the figures prove the sector has reached stability and point to further steady growth in 2014.

New Port Richey Property Ticks All Location Boxes
New Port Richey Property Ticks All Location Boxes

Property in Florida still has plenty of ground to cover before statistics catch up with the pre-2007 figures. However, the market in some parts of the Sunshine State are clearly showing signs of strong recovery. One of these areas is Pasco County, home to New Port Richey, where some analysts are pinpointing a boom.

Texas and Florida Best for Property Investment
Texas and Florida Best for Property Investment

The two states of Texas and Florida dominate the Forbes Where to invest in 2015 list with Houston and Orlando property featuring in the top five. The two cities stand out for their high population growth, strong job creation and undervalued property prices. As a result, Houston and Orlando are “safe bets to invest”, for both first-time buyers and buy-to-let investors.

Orlando Property on a High
Orlando Property on a High

The Orlando property market continues full-steam ahead with single family homes and foreclosures at the helm in price increases. The surge in activity and prices has prompted property professionals to predict that now is the time to buy.

Sunny Outlook for Florida
Sunny Outlook for Florida

Not only has Florida left the recession well behind, the Sunshine State can look forward to strong economic growth and job creation at least until 2017. These excellent forecasts are also good news for the Florida property market, predicted to keep pace with the growing economy.

Florida Foreclosures Market Improves
Florida Foreclosures Market Improves

November foreclosure statistics return Florida to the country’s number one position, although year-on-year activity has dropped markedly. Mortgage default figures also point to a decrease in a market where obtaining a mortgage for property in Florida remains a challenge.

Rental Property in Florida Still Most Affordable Option
Rental Property in Florida Still Most Affordable Option

The latest polls on consumer confidence and the affordability of property in Florida show mixed results. With the improvements in economic conditions Floridians are spending more, but the widening gap between wages and house prices moves homeownership further out of reach making property rental the most affordable option.

Florida Property Market Continues to Flourish
Florida Property Market Continues to Flourish

Figures for the Florida property market in October show yet another rise in sales of single family homes and condos, and average selling prices. Based on the latest statistics, analysts believe the housing market is moving in the right direction with many local agents claiming that now is the time to buy.

Jacksonville New Economic and Employment Hotspot
Jacksonville New Economic and Employment Hotspot

It’s Florida’s largest city and one of the fastest growing in the southeast region of the US. With a booming employment market and low inflation, Jacksonville currently shines as one of Florida’s economic beacons. In turn, this buoyancy is boosting the Jacksonville property market, expected to expand considerably over the next few years.

Sun Shines on Florida Property
Sun Shines on Florida Property

September figures for property in Florida show a steadily-growing market with some of the best all-round investment potential in the US, both for rental returns and capital growth. Stability and consistent growth now characterise the Florida property market, two qualities that feature on any investment potential lists.

New Train Boosts Florida Property and Job Markets
New Train Boosts Florida Property and Job Markets

Getting around Central Florida has recently got much easier with the new SunRail train service. When the second phase is completed, the railway will cover over 60 miles between Volusia County and Osceola County, creating thousands of new jobs and opening up further opportunities in the Florida property market.

Property in Florida Continues to Attract International Market
Property in Florida Continues to Attract International Market

Florida property remains one of the highlights on the international real estate map with the last year seeing marked increases in both total investment and number of sales. Orlando and Tampa are market leaders when it comes to location and the Canadian and British rank as top buyers.

Florida Tourism Reaches Record Levels
Florida Tourism Reaches Record Levels

Florida has just announced record figures for tourism in the spring period this year. July statistics have also posted excellent results and consequently, the Sunshine State looks well on track for its target of 100 million visitors this year.

Florida Property Market Shows Healthy Quarterly Gains
Florida Property Market Shows Healthy Quarterly Gains

Figures just released by Florida Realtors show healthy gains in the property market during the second quarter of this year throughout the state. Sales, median prices and new listings all rose, both in single family homes and condo properties, and with Florida economy and employment both buoyant, this situation looks set to continue.

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