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Why invest in emerging markets in 2019
Why invest in emerging markets in 2019

Find out why the results of a Bloomberg survey suggest you invest in emerging markets in 2019 and why Brazil is the shining star on the horizon this year.

Ceará economy ends 2018 on a high
Ceará economy ends 2018 on a high

The Ceará economy stands out this year in Northeast Brazil in key sectors including business and tourism. Find out why 2018 has been so good for the state.

Fortaleza Airport hub clear win for Ceará
Fortaleza Airport hub clear win for Ceará

Fortaleza Airport hub recently celebrated its six-month anniversary with a big increase in passenger traffic and tourism to Ceará state. Find out more.

Why new government is good news for investors in Brazil
Why new government is good news for investors in Brazil

The recent election of Bolsonaro as president opens up a new era for investors in Brazil. Find out why the world of finance is so enthusiast.

Pecem Port signs agreement with Port of Rotterdam
Pecem Port signs agreement with Port of Rotterdam

The Port of Rotterdam has invested in Pecem Port. Find out how this expansion will ensure Ceará port becomes the future logistics hub for Northeast Brazil.

Ceará Economy Posts Yet More Positive Figures
Ceará Economy Posts Yet More Positive Figures

Latest figures for GDP growth and job creation show the Ceará economy continues to run ahead of the region and the nation. Find out more.

Ceará Economy Shines in First 4 Months of 2018
Ceará Economy Shines in First 4 Months of 2018

A massive uptick in export volume, increased consumer spending and the first job creation in the region all drive the Ceará economy in the first third of 2018.

Boom in Brazilian real estate funds
Boom in Brazilian real estate funds

Low interest rates and improved market conditions lead to booming investment in Brazilian real estate funds, a trend set to last for at least 2 years.

Ceará economy almost doubles the Brazilian
Ceará economy almost doubles the Brazilian

Latest figures for the Ceará economy show expansion at almost double the national rate with strong prospects for agriculture and industry this year.

Brazilian interest rates fall to historic low
Brazilian interest rates fall to historic low

Read why the latest cut in Brazilian interest rates to the lowest ever is good news for economy generally and the property market in particular.

Beating economic growth in Brazil
Beating economic growth in Brazil

A summary of latest economic figures showing why Ceará is beating economic growth in Brazil all round and is “the country’s highlight” in 2017.

Investment in Ceará creates new logistics and tech hub
Investment in Ceará creates new logistics and tech hub

Recent investment in Ceará, strong economic growth and a privileged location make the state the new hub for logistics and technology in Brazil.

Renewable energy in Brazil jumps up a notch
Renewable energy in Brazil jumps up a notch

Find out why the uptick in renewable energy in Brazil is booming as the country draws on its huge resources to improve sustainability.

Good Brazilian economic news in July
Good Brazilian economic news in July

Brazilian economy news for the month of July makes good reading. Many of the statistics show the country remains on track towards full economic recovery. Both inflation and interest rates went down and Brazil registered record trade figures.

Southwest Florida best for young entrepreneurs
Southwest Florida best for young entrepreneurs

Southwest Florida currently represents one of the best places in the US for young entrepreneurs. The region bags six of the top ten places in the national ranking. The findings highlight the excellent opportunities in Southwest Florida generally and for the property market in the area specifically.

A Florida staycation the best of all
A Florida staycation the best of all

A Florida staycation turns out to be the best of all, particularly in the metro areas of Orlando and Tampa. Both rank in the top five destinations for the best stay-at-home vacation in the US.

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