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Florida Tourism Sets New Record
Florida Tourism Sets New Record

Florida tourism figures continue to reach historic highs – the Sunshine State received 97.3 million visitors in 2014. All figures for last year show increases and this avalanche of record numbers is excellent news for two key markets in Florida – property and employment.

US Property Trends in 2015
US Property Trends in 2015

The latest survey of US property trends for the coming year finds that the housing market is well on the way to recovery. It also puts the market in 75 locations under the microscope and reveals that Houston is the number one property market to watch in 2015.

Rentals Future for US Property Market?
Rentals Future for US Property Market?

Recent census data reveals that the US property market is increasingly dominated by renters rather than homebuyers. Homeownership levels are at their lowest for 20 years with particularly high drops in Florida. The data has prompted some analysts to predict that the future of the US real estate market could well lie in rental properties.

Job Creation Powers Houston Property Market
Job Creation Powers Houston Property Market

With job creation at one of the highest rates ever, Houston is currently riding a wave of economic prosperity. Along with buoyant employment, Houston’s property market is also enjoying record activity levels with short supply and a rise in rental prices.

Florida Property Investment Offers Best Rental Returns
Florida Property Investment Offers Best Rental Returns

A favourite with relocators, retirees and holiday makers, property in Florida continues to offer some of the best rental returns in the US. Latest data from RealtyTrac pinpoints several locations in Florida as top for rental returns, safe havens for rental investment and perfect for the baby boomer market.

Brazil Tourist Spending at Record Levels
Brazil Tourist Spending at Record Levels

On the back of the FIFA World Cup celebrated in Brazil last year, spending by foreigners in the country reached record levels. Brazil continues to attract increasing numbers of tourists and this year’s carnival season is expected to set new records.

Florida property market on steady, sustainable path
Florida property market on steady, sustainable path

Latest statistics for the Florida property market during 2014 show sustainable levels of sales and steady rises in prices. Analysts claim the figures prove the sector has reached stability and point to further steady growth in 2014.

Northeast Brazilian Property and Job Markets Boom
Northeast Brazilian Property and Job Markets Boom

The figures just released for employment and property in northeast Brazil highlight that both markets are booming and well ahead of those at national level. The state of Ceará was one of the centres for job creation as well as a hot spot for property.

New Port Richey Property Ticks All Location Boxes
New Port Richey Property Ticks All Location Boxes

Property in Florida still has plenty of ground to cover before statistics catch up with the pre-2007 figures. However, the market in some parts of the Sunshine State are clearly showing signs of strong recovery. One of these areas is Pasco County, home to New Port Richey, where some analysts are pinpointing a boom.

The Brazilian Property Market in 2015
The Brazilian Property Market in 2015

After an unusual 12 months, the Brazilian property market is set for a good 2015 characterised by marked increases in mortgage lending and greater sales activity. Government investment in the social housing programme, strong job creation and the Rio de Janeiro Olympics on the horizon are three of the main factors that will be driving the market next year.

Texas and Florida Best for Property Investment
Texas and Florida Best for Property Investment

The two states of Texas and Florida dominate the Forbes Where to invest in 2015 list with Houston and Orlando property featuring in the top five. The two cities stand out for their high population growth, strong job creation and undervalued property prices. As a result, Houston and Orlando are “safe bets to invest”, for both first-time buyers and buy-to-let investors.

Right Time to Invest in Brazil Property, says Sam Zell
Right Time to Invest in Brazil Property, says Sam Zell

Sam Zell, one of the world’s most successful property investors, says that now is the perfect time to invest in Brazil. He believes the country’s rising middle class has all the right ingredients for profitable investment and on the back of this, forecasts that property prices in Brazil are unlikely to fall this year.

Orlando Property on a High
Orlando Property on a High

The Orlando property market continues full-steam ahead with single family homes and foreclosures at the helm in price increases. The surge in activity and prices has prompted property professionals to predict that now is the time to buy.

Brazilian Property: 2014 Roundup
Brazilian Property: 2014 Roundup

Latest statistics for 2014 point to a stabilisation in the Brazilian property market. Growth in both house prices and launches are expected to be moderate this year in keeping with a mature market. Experts do, however, predict pockets of higher growth in 2015, particularly in the northeast of the country in areas such as Fortaleza.

Sunny Outlook for Florida
Sunny Outlook for Florida

Not only has Florida left the recession well behind, the Sunshine State can look forward to strong economic growth and job creation at least until 2017. These excellent forecasts are also good news for the Florida property market, predicted to keep pace with the growing economy.

Houston Property Features in Top 10 Hot US Markets for 2015
Houston Property Features in Top 10 Hot US Markets for 2015

All the economic figures point to a buoyant year for the US economy in 2015. This year’s strong employment and financial growth will also boost the US property market, forecast to grow significantly. Property experts have highlighted ten areas for particularly strong activity in 2015 and Houston features as one of them.

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