Number of foreign tourists in ceará grows 99%

Number of foreign tourists in ceará grows 99%

The Fortaleza Airport increased notably

The Fortaleza Airport increased by 99% the number of foreigners in the first half of this year. There have been 129.400 visitors only counting direct international flights. Pernambuco ranks second with 118.900, and Bahia in third place with 115,000 tourists. Ceará is growing at a really fast pace not only in tourism but in all aspects. It is Brazil's leader in export of fish. From January to August this year 2019, Ceará exported more than six thousand tons, with sales of over $ 47.1 million.


However, the numbers on tourism are surprisingly positive. In the national ranking, Ceará is the second state with the highest increase of tourism, after São Paulo (3.8 million passengers, an Increase of 4%). The figures have been released by the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac). 

The forecast for Ceará Tourism Secretariat (SETUR) is very positive. Numbers are recorded in the months of stronger winds, now in the second half. From August to November, 156,400 foreign tourists are expected to reach the State, meaning a 12% increase compared to the same period last year.  

Why has tourism increased so much?

"Since the new flights Began, we are in a very good growing the number of foreigners coming to our state. We have three new flights scheduled, two for this year and for 2020, coming from Madrid. We are also negotiating with new companies and That is our expectation are Increase this remains, bringing to more Ceará income "of the holder SETUR, Arialdo Pine.


The Swiss student Gilomen Nicolas, 28, is one of Those visitors. "The beaches are very different, have wind every day, the conditions are perfect for kite surfing. It has lagoons with flat water, great to train maneuvers. It's great to freestyle." His friends in Switzerland Also want much come to Ceará and are already scheduling. "Everyone wants to see how it is here, playing the sport in Estes conditions. And now with more flight options, it is easier to get. Next year will be here again," said the student, who is in his eighth trip to Ceará.

The Coral Resort offers kitesurfing as the Kitesurfing school will open soon.


(Source: Governo do Estado do Ceará)