Technological parks boost investment in Ceará

Technological parks boost investment in Ceará

Ceará state is investing hard in IT and technology with several technological parks up and running or in the pipeline. This bid for innovation brings with it plenty of new investment in Ceará as well as educational and employment opportunities.


The state is keen to attract R&D and ICT companies to its technological parks. The University of Fortaleza already has two such parks in operation. The technological and innovation hub for health is expected to open at the end of this year. And by the middle of next year, the Ceará Tech Park will be up and running along with the Angola Cables Data Centre in Fortaleza.


University Invests in R&D

The University of Fortaleza opened its technological park in July. Designed mainly as a centre for R&D and business incubator for new companies, the park is already home to several high-profile enterprises. To date, they include Eletra Energy, Esmaltec, G4Flex, Mob Telecom and Softek.


In conjunction with the new park, the University also runs Edetec. This centre for investment in Ceará focuses on business development among innovation companies born from research developed by the University. Companies currently working from Edetec include FortGen Genetics, Nextech Engineering, On the Go Mobile and TotalCross as well as a number of partners.


Angola Cables Data Centre

Data centres also provide a main focal point for investment in Ceará. Angola Cables started work on its data centre in Praia do Futuro earlier this year. With investment of US$130 million, the centre will include 10,000 square metres of space with 3,000 square metres dedicated to IT.


Angola Cables are currently laying submarine cables to connect Latin America and Africa to provide fastest and cheaper internet services. The first cable will join Fortaleza with Sangano in Angola. From Fortaleza, cables will run to Santos in Brazil and Miami. The cables and data centre are expected to start operations in mid-2018.


Ceará Technology Park

The first step towards setting up a purpose-built tech park for the state of Ceará has just been taken. Construction has started on the 56,500 square metres of allocated space on the Pici Campus at the Federal University of Ceará. The base of the project starts with an initial investment of R$1.2 million. When it reaches completion, the Ceará Technology Park will offer 1,800 square metres for office rental, co-working spaces and incubators for new businesses.


As an incentive for investment in Ceará within R&D and IT, companies receive significant tax benefits from the state. These include up to 100% exemption from property tax and stamp duty on property purchase. Important reductions on business tax are also available.


Health Hub in Ceará

By the end of the year, the first ITC Health Hub in the state will open. Located in the Eusebio district, this high-tech centre will form the focal point for investment in Ceará within the health sector.


The anchor company is Fiocruz, one of the main health providers in Brazil. Fiocruz has signed an agreement with the state of Ceará for educational and scientific cooperation. The Hub expects to attract many more companies to the centre including the prestigious Institute Pasteur. The French organisation is expected to move in towards the end of next year.


These latest developments within the ICT and R&D sectors underline Fortaleza’s position as a City of the Future. They will also create employment opportunities for professionals within the various sectors such as innovation, IT and health.


(source: Diario do Nordeste, Nearshore Americas)