New travel trends on the table in 2022

New travel trends on the table in 2022

As international borders open and Covid restrictions lift, travel is back on the table in 2022. However, as with all aspects of life, the way we travel has changed over the last two years, and new travel trends have emerged.

According to analysts, many are here to stay, particularly those regarding types of trips and accommodation. As a result, the tourist industry will have to adapt to fit in with the new trends in travel. A recent report from Deloitte based on surveys among travellers in the US outlines the main tendencies to look for this year.

New type of business travel

Corporate trips suffered drastically during the pandemic and remain as the sector yet to begin making a significant recovery. Deloitte forecasts that visiting prospective clients and conference networking will experience the most robust return. However, in-company meetings will continue to function via online sessions.

As with all travel sectors, corporate trips will also be subject to the caveat of health concerns as Covid evolves. In summary, those aspects of business that rely on personal interaction will return to travel, while those that can be virtual will take place online.

Remote working opportunities

Flexible working is one of the trends emerging from the pandemic that appears here to stay. And according to Deloitte, remote workers are a key new sector within the travel industry.

The company reports that the “laptop luggers” are taking more and longer trips as well as spending more. The survey found that 38% have added three to six days to their leisure travel due to remote working. It also revealed that remote workers are now more than twice as likely to increase their budget for a holiday than they were in 2019.

Considerations for laptop luggers

In tandem with this new trend, the travel sector should bear unique requirements in mind. They include:

·         Fast and reliable internet services.

·         A quiet, comfortable space to work.

·         Access to wellness facilities such as gyms, sporting activities, and restaurants providing healthy eating options.

Surge in private rentals

The Deloitte report also highlights the increasing presence of private rentals on the vacation scene. While hotels remain the overall preferred option, the report finds that the hotel-vacation rental balance is shifting.

Many holidaymakers have discovered private rentals for the first time since 2019. In the case of the US, more than four out of ten travellers had their first stay in a holiday let during the pandemic. Furthermore, three-quarters of them say they plan to continue opting for rental accommodation in the future.

Deloitte suggests that this shifting preference for rentals will force hotels to evolve to accommodate new requirements. In particular, “home-like amenities” such as adjoining rooms and designated workspaces will add to a hotel’s appeal in the new travel scenario.

Conclusion on new travel trends in 2022

The Deloitte report concludes that this year is “about more than simply watching air passenger volumes increase and hotels’ occupancy rates pick up”. It cautions that the tourist industry still faces pandemic-related challenges but at the same time, celebrates the appearance of “travel’s green shoots”.

The report also points out that the sector will have to take action to accommodate “likely long-term shifts” in tourism and travel. The most significant of these include the decrease in business travel and new trends among remote workers. Deloitte concludes that these shifts are here to stay and “should be treated as new but lasting components of travel’s structural reality”.

(Source: 2022 Deloitte Travel Outlook)