Multi-billion investment in Ceará

Multi-billion investment in Ceará

Ceará investment has reached R$9.9 billion in 2023 so far, indicating the state's appeal to companies and businesses. The Ceará government has prioritised new investment this year, with the aim of bringing employment opportunities and wealth to the state. Green energy has taken the lion’s share of investment, particularly among international companies.

New investment a priority

The Secretary for Economic Development Ceará, Salmito Filho, recently confirmed the intense activity in the state to attract new investment. He highlighted the long list of private companies that have chosen investment in Ceará this year. So far, they have injected R$9.9 billion into the local economy.

According to Filho, the state government is focusing on new investment to create jobs and increase wealth among local inhabitants. The towns and cities inland are a particular focal point.

The latest private investment accompanies significant input from the Brazilian government in Ceará. As part of the national PAC programme, the state will receive an injection of R$73.2 billion over the next few years. Infrastructure such as roads is the main beneficiary.

Green energies favourite for investment in Ceará

Filho highlighted the opportunities for green energy investment in the state. As a result, the largest investments this year all fall within this sector. They include:

A new solar energy plant – the British company Lightsource BP is behind this R$ 800 million investment in Abaiara. The project should create 1,638 new jobs.

A solar energy plant – PowerChina is investing in solar energy generation to the tune of R$1.8 billion. The plant will be in Mauricio and create 2,675 jobs.

A photovoltaic solar energy plant – the municipality of Jaguaretama has received investment worth R$1.1 billion from the Chinese company SPIC. The employment opportunities should number 2,278.

A wind energy plant – the Brazilian company 2W Eco Bank has chosen Icapuí for the construction of a wind energy plant. This investment in Ceará will cost around R$1.6 billion and create 2,777 new jobs.

Second largest investment ever

In 2023, Ceará has also received its second-largest investment on record, confirming its appeal to major stakeholders. Caucaia is the chosen location for this investment, already in place.

The PortoCem thermoelectric plant has attracted R$4.7 billion in investment and will create 1,700 jobs.

Green hydrogen investment in Ceará

This year’s principal investments come on the back of multi-billion outlays in green hydrogen technology and installations in the state. Ceará is currently a world leader in the generation of this green energy source, and the state has already received several key memorandums for investment.

(Source: Ceará government)