Ceará stands out for renewable energies in Brazil

Ceará stands out for renewable energies in Brazil

With around 20% of all offshore wind farms in the country, Ceará stands out among all other states for renewable energies in Brazil. Furthermore, expectations for production are around 60% higher than the global average because of the unique conditions in Ceará. 

Offshore wind farms are just part of the renewable energy sector in Ceará where green hydrogen production has one of the world’s biggest hubs. The industry is a major driver of GDP growth in the state and job creation. 

20% of offshore wind farms are in Ceará

It was recently announced that Ceará is home to a fifth of offshore wind farms in Brazil. As a result, the state is about to become of the main sources of clean and renewable energies in Brazil. There are currently around 58 offshore wind farm projects throughout the country, which between them, generate 133GW. 

Not only does Ceará take the lion’s share of wind farms, but the state also produces far more than the global average. Experts forecast production of around 60% higher, due to the geographic characteristics in Ceará. The state’s coastline has shallow waters, allowing offshore wind farms to be closer to land and produce constant power. 

Industry experts point out that every GW installed in offshore wind farms represents around US$2 billion in investment and over 10,000 jobs. Not for nothing is the renewable energy sector in Ceará fast becoming a major focus of wealth creation in the state. 

Further development of offshore wind farms 

New installations of wind farms off the Ceará coastline are subject to regulations and national auctions for the purchase of clean and renewable energy. Both allow the expansion of production and enhance the huge potential for renewable energies in Brazil. 

Green hydrogen production in Ceará 

Along with its ideal conditions for offshore wind farms, Ceará also meets the requirements for the production of green hydrogen. This energy source will eventually replace petrol and diesel, thereby becoming a major contributor to reducing carbon emissions. 

Ceará is one of the pioneers in generating green energy and has received several significant investments in the last year. As a result, the state has a “privileged position in relation to Europe,” said Monica Panik, Director of ABH2. She highlighted the state’s abundance of renewable energy sources, which create the ideal conditions for the operation of electrolyzers.  

The expectation is to produce green hydrogen for US$1 per kg by 2030. This price will be half of the current production cost in Brazil (US$2 per kg) and well below costs in Europe and North America. 

Lack of skilled labour 

Although Ceará has the natural resources to stand out for renewal energies in Brazil, the state faces certain obstacles in production. The main challenge is the shortage of skilled labour among the local workforce. 

Jobs such as process industrial engineers and electrolyzer manufacturers are in particularly short supply. As a result, companies are attracting qualified employees from outside Ceará while they train locals in the required skills.

(Source: CPG)