Ceará investment highlights

Ceará investment highlights

A new video highlights the many opportunities for Ceará investment from farming to new technologies. Recently released by the Ceará government, the short film showcases many aspects of the state in terms of investment, tourism and business.


Since Dutch explorers discovered Fortaleza in 1637, Ceará has grown to become one of Brazil’s most important states. Known as ‘the edge of the Atlantic’ and ‘the gateway to Brazil’, the state now represents some of the best opportunities in Brazil.



Ceará investment facts

The video’s tagline is ‘the state that invests in the most’ and certainly the figures are impressive. GDP in Ceará has grown by 33.6% compared to 23.8% in Brazil as a whole. The state also boasts the largest private investment in Brazil and has received billions in investment generally.


Pecem Port stars on the Ceará investment stage. This industrial centre and port includes the first free trade zone (ZPE in Brazilian) in the country. Pecem Port registered a 60% increase in business in 2016 and expects an even higher volume this year from steel production at Pecem Steel Corporation. Investment in the steel company totalled US$6 billion, the highest by a private entity ever in Brazil.


For its part, the ZPE has gone from strength to strength. Last year, fDi Magazine named it the best in Latin America and the Caribbean for Large Tenants, and interest has been high from both domestic and foreign investors.


Transportation in Ceará

The Ceará investment video also focuses on transportation in the state. The Trans Northeast railway line currently runs to 600km and when completed it will be 1,753km long and the largest linear railway line in Brazil. Capable of transporting 30 million tonnes a year, investment in the railway to date reaches US$3.63 billion.


High-tech transportation also features on the video. Ceará currently ranks among the world’s fibre optic hubs. Known as the Digital Super Highway, the state has some 3,000km of high-speed fibre optic cable reaching its shores.


Other investment highlights

A sizeable proportion of Ceará investment has centred on renewable energy. The state currently boasts 56 wind parks with an installed capacity of 270MW. Solar energy panels are also common throughout Ceará, known nationally and internationally for its year-round sunny climate.


Agriculture provides another important source of investment and business for the state. Ceará ranks as the top producer and exporter of cashew nuts in the country as well as the number one producer of shrimp and lobster. It’s also the third largest exporter of fruit in Brazil with much of the horticultural produce leaving for North America and Europe via Pecem Port.


Discover our joy, discover our energy

Finally, the Ceará promotional video looks at tourism, also centre to the state economy. Ceará ranks as the world’s best destination for kitesurfing and windsurfing. The globally famous beach at Jericoacoara features as an example of the state’s stunning coastline.


The sporting theme continues with a look at the Castelao Arena football stadium, host to several World Cup matches in Fortaleza, and the Olympic Training Centre. Footage on the video captures the Brazilian ‘joie de vivre’ and invites the viewer to ‘discover our joy, discover our energy’.


Finally, there’s a nod to real estate in Ceará and a reiteration of the state as the largest business partnership in the country. Ceará is, after all, the state that has invested the most.


Get involved in Ceará investment yourself.


An investment company specialising in global real estate opportunities, BRIC Group is currently developing The Coral resort, in Northeast Brazil, a luxury beachfront resort. BRIC Group also offers US real estate investments including turnkey properties in Florida and Houston, and land plots in Florida. BRIC Group has been creating wealth for its clients since 1996 and has offices in Brazil, Dubai (consulting office), Hungary, Spain and the US.


(Source: Ceará Government)