Start 2018 at North East Brazil beaches

Start 2018 at North East Brazil beaches

It might be early to start thinking about your holidays in 2018, but when you do, Northeast Brazil beaches should be on your list. According to Condé Nast Traveler, the golden sands along the coastline of Northeast Brazil rank second in the world’s top ten destinations for next year.


The travel magazine’s latest listing, ‘Where to go on holiday in January’ suggests ten places in the world worth visiting at the start of 2018. Laura Fowler, the author of the piece, puts forward a convincing case for her choice of ten destinations. In all of them, the sun will be shining and temperatures warm.


Start 2018 in the warm

Most of the northern hemisphere faces a bleak January. As Fowler points out, “we’re fat and cold and grumpy. And spring is a lifetime away”. She advocates a New Year’s resolution that’s easy to fulfil – “book a trip somewhere uplifting”. With this single criteria in mind, Fowler selects ten destinations.


All the listings share two common denominators. They enjoy perfect weather in January – her definition of perfect is “dry, warm and sunny”. And they’re all located in the tropics or the southern hemisphere.


North east Brazil beaches ticks the boxes

Given this duet, it’s no real surprise to find north east Brazil beaches on the Condé Nast list. Situated just below the equator, Northeast Brazil forms part of the southern hemisphere and January is the height of the summer in the region.


While Northeast Brazil boasts some of the best weather in the country – this is a year-round location – January ranks as a particularly good time of year. Temperatures are pleasantly warm, rainfall is low and the sun shines all day long.


What to expect on north east Brazil beaches

Brazil represents such a good holiday option for 2018 that Fowler recommends you splurge “all your annual leave in January” in one go and just in the one country. She suggests starting off your 2018 by spending the first part of your holiday in Brazil in Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo. New Year’s Eve celebrations in Brazil’s two most famous cities have a reputation as the best parties in the world and certainly get any new year off to a roaring start.


Fowler then proposes that you continue your holiday by heading up the coast to “any number of preposterously gorgeous, barefoot-n-bikini chic beach havens”. As the article points out, you’re more than spoilt for choice. The North east Brazil beaches stretch for a total of nearly 3,000km so there’s plenty of scope for finding your perfect spot on the sands in January.


Suggestions for the best

Your choice of beach in Northeast Brazil will depend ultimately on what you’re looking for. As well as guaranteed warmth and sunshine, miles of golden sand are also a given. And in many cases, mostly empty giving you lots of room to enjoy pristine nature in very select company.


For Condé Nast, north east Brazil beaches provide “the kind of places that really get our travel clichés rolling”. Trancoso in Bahia is the first suggestion followed by Fernando de Noronha in Pernambuco. This remote and unspoilt island ranks among the world’s top natural paradises as well as the best of all the north east Brazil beaches.


Jericoacoara in the state of Ceará is no stranger to best beaches in the world listings and also features in the Condé Nast recommendations. However, Jericoacoara’s best-beach reputation means it’s hugely popular and very crowded in January, the high season for holidays in Brazil. It’s therefore worth considering other locations on the northeast coast, described by Fowler as “wild and stunning”.


The beaches to the north of Fortaleza at Trairi combine close proximity to Fortaleza Airport with spectacular surroundings. They’re also relatively undiscovered, although gradually making their mark on international travel media. Last year, the Chilean broadsheet El Mercurio described them as “the latest find in Northeast Brazil”. The newspaper went on to liken Trairi to Jericoacoara 20 years ago – beaches just waiting to be discovered and enjoyed.


“Northeast Brazil has so much to offer when it comes to pristine sandy beaches,” says Dies Poppeliers, Managing Director of BRIC Group. “Those who buy at The Coral resort near Trairi can discover and enjoy their delights at any time of year, not just in January!”


Invest in your year-round spot on a beach in Northeast Brazil now.


An investment company specialising in global real estate opportunities, BRIC Group is currently developing The Coral resort, in Northeast Brazil, a luxury beachfront resort. BRIC Group also offers US real estate investments including turnkey properties in Florida and Houston, and land plots in Florida. BRIC Group has been creating wealth for its clients since 1996 and has offices in Brazil, Dubai (consulting office), Hungary, Spain and the US.


(Source: Condé Nast Traveler)