More foreign investment in Ceará

More foreign investment in Ceará

Foreign investment in Ceará continues on an upward trend. The latest interest comes from the German company Fraport AG and from the Dutch Port of Rotterdam. Between them, the two entities will considerably enhance the state’s development potential and add substantially to its economy.


Fraport AG, current managers of Frankfurt Airport, successfully bid for Fortaleza International Airport at the Brazilian stock exchange in March. The company paid R$1.5 billion for the airport, an amount that constitutes some of the largest foreign investment in Ceará in recent months.


Fortaleza International Airport to get upgrade

Fraport AG has committed to investing R$1.4 billion in upgrades at Fortaleza International Airport. These will include expanding the passenger and cargo terminals, and creating better facilities generally.


“This process will ensure that Fortaleza is able to offer a high level of service to the city,” said State Governor Camilo Santana after visiting installations at Frankfurt Airport. He added that he expects this foreign investment in Ceará to generate more jobs and opportunities in the state economy.


Foreign investment in Ceará enhances HUB chances

Another important effect of the Fraport AG management of the airport will be to increase its chance of becoming the Latam HUB for Northeast Brazil. “The purchase by Fraport AG will give us the competitive edge in the running for Latam HUB,” said Santana.


Latam is currently in negotiations with several airports in Northeast Brazil for hosting of the all-important hub. Ceará officials believe that the Fraport AG take-over of the airport could be the deciding factor for the airline. If the bid is successful, Ceará expects to receive R$4 billion in investment and create some 10,000 jobs, both direct and indirect.


Pecem Port and Rotterdam Port join forces

Further foreign investment in Ceará came in the shape of a unique agreement between Pecem Port authorities and their counterpart in the Dutch Port of Rotterdam. The two ports signed a Memorandum of Understanding in late March, a move that is expected to be of huge significance for Pecem.


The Memorandum sets up the agreement between the two ports. Over the next 12 months, the Port of Rotterdam will provide advisory services to Pecem Port. These include studies, strategy reports and negotiations with the objective of developing Pecem to its full potential as well increasing its economic and operational efficiency.


“This partnership between Pecem Port and the Port of Rotterdam with the expertise and credibility of the Dutch port will be fundamental in attracting new investors to the state,” said Ceará Governor Santana.


“Rotterdam ranks as one of the largest ports in the world with important global connections,” says Dies Poppeliers, Managing Director at BRIC Group. “The partnership with Pecem Port is huge for the state and this together with German ownership of Fortaleza International Airport shows that foreign investment in Ceará has exceptional potential.”


Join the trend for foreign investment in Ceará yourself


An investment company specialising in global real estate opportunities, BRIC Group is currently developing The Coral resort, in Northeast Brazil, a luxury beachfront resort. BRIC Group also offers US real estate investments including turnkey properties in Florida and Houston, and land plots in Florida. BRIC Group has been creating wealth for its clients since 1996 and has offices in Brazil, Dubai (consulting office), Hungary, Spain and the US.


(Source: Ceará government)