Ceará positions itself as best brazilian staycation

Ceará positions itself as best brazilian staycation

As Brazil shifts out of lockdown mode, the tourism sector is starting to reopen across the country. But not all areas appeal to the holidaymaker, now prioritising nature, space and health and hygiene. Ceará, however, with its warm climate, excellent tourism infrastructure and favourable prices is positioning itself as one of the top destinations for a Brazilian staycation.


Ceará tourism reopening

The state of Ceará is gradually opening up again after lockdown restrictions and that includes the tourism sector. By August (September at the latest), officials expect to see most hotels and attractions open for business. Not quite as usual and occupancy will be lower than average, but analysts are optimistic.


“I’m cautious,” said Arialdo Pinho, Secretary for Tourism in the state, interviewed in Diario do Nordeste broadsheet. “I expect a stronger return from September onwards with the bulk of reservations coming in November and December.”


Most on Brazilian staycation

Most business for Brazilian tourism over the next few months will come from the Brazilians themselves. A recent survey carried out by the Brazilian Association of Tour Operators (Braztoa) revealed that 60% of those planning to take a holiday this year will do so in Brazil.


A weak Brazilian real against the American dollar and euro make foreign holidays expensive for Brazilians. And the fear of future lockdowns mean many holidaymakers prefer to stay in their home country this year.


Ceará has the edge

When it comes to ideal places for a Brazilian staycation, Ceará has several advantages. Firstly is its climate. Warm temperatures and northeastern sea breezes form the backbone of Ceará weather all year round. Both these factors reduce the risk of contagion from covid-19.


Tourism infrastructure in the state with a range of attractions add to Ceará’s appeal for a family holiday. Fortaleza Airport also has frequent connections with other Brazilian capitals making it easy to get to. Domestic flights are still well below their average, but airlines are gradually adding more to Ceará.


And Ceará also comes up trumps when it comes to prices. The state offers holidays for all budgets from low to high end so that all Brazilians can find a holiday to suit them in the state.


Change in trend

Ceará also ticks the boxes for the new trends in Brazilian staycations. Demand is currently highest for resorts and hotels in natural surroundings, preferably near quieter beaches. Ceará’s long coastline offers plenty of less developed areas where it’s easy to social distance.


The state also has excellent technological infrastructure to cater for the demand for working holidays. Brazilian companies are increasingly open to the idea of their employees working from their holiday home or hotel. In this scenario, high-speed internet is essential.


Foreign tourism later to arrive

In the current situation, international tourism will take longer to return to Brazil. Pinho expects to see the first non-domestic flights from Fortaleza Airport in October at the latest. Analysts believe kitesurf tourism will be a major draw for foreigners since the season lasts until the end of November. Plus, international tourists can benefit from the low exchange rate.


However, general consensus agrees that foreign tourism will return in earnest in 2021. Until then, Ceará looks well set to make the most of the buoyant national tourism sector, particularly those holiday spots in quieter beach locations.


(Source: Diario do Nordeste)