Brazil investment best for strong dollar

Brazil investment best for strong dollar

Currency fluctuations often create excellent opportunities for international real estate investment. The recent surge in the US dollar makes several Latin America markets extra attractive to those looking to buy property there. At the top of the list sits Brazil investment, currently the best in the continent for buyers in dollars.


Currency savings best for decades

The current strong position of the US dollar brings good news for investors looking to buy property overseas. According to an article in the real estate section in Forbes, the exchange rate at the moment offers “the biggest currency savings for decades”. Four Latin American markets are of particular interest to American investors and at the top of the list sits Brazil investment.


The increase in purchasing power for investors buying in Brazil with US dollars is nothing short of spectacular. Forbes reports that over the last 12 months, buying capacity has gone up by 15%. Since 2013, the increase has reached 83%, adding considerable value to investments in Brazil.


Fortaleza top tip

The article cites one location within Brazil for investment; the coast of Fortaleza in Northeastern Brazil in the state of Ceará. The “white-sand region” has “some of the best” beaches in Brazil. More importantly for investment considerations, is “an emerging international tourist destination”.


Forbes points out that Fortaleza and the Ceará coastline used to be something of a challenge to reach, particularly from the US. The journey involved a flight to a city in the south and then get a connecting flight to Fortaleza. However, the advent of the Air France / KLM flight hub at Fortaleza Airport has changed this scenario completely.


“Many new direct flights make Fortaleza Airport more easily reached from both North America and Europe,” says Forbes. The article points out that the improved flight connections mean more international tourists are discovering Ceará. It emphasizes too that Brazilian tourists make up “much of this market” giving Brazil investment in this part of the country two markets to tap into as part of an exit strategy.


Easier access

Along with higher purchasing power through a strong US dollar and more direct flights to Fortaleza, investors in Brazil can also take advantage of easier access. As from 17 June this year, tourists from the US, Canada, Australia and Japan will no longer need a visa to visit Brazil.


The lifting of visa restrictions is expected to boost tourism and facilitate investment in the country. Since the announcement of no visa requirements interest in visiting Brazil has soared in the four countries.


Brazil investment visa

Another incentive that places Brazil at the top of the list is the Brazilian real estate investment visa. Buyers who invest at least R$700,000 (approx. US$180,000) in Northeast Brazil qualify for permanent residency in Brazil. After a period of four years, they are also eligible for Brazilian citizenship. The paperwork for the Brazil investment visa is straight forward and according to the 2019 Henley Passport Index, a Brazilian passport is the 17th most sought-after in the world.


Taking advantage of the strong US dollar therefore brings investors multiple benefits in Brazil. Not only do you get much more for your money (83% more than six years ago), you can fly direct to the region with some of the best beaches in Brazil and tap into two growing markets on exit from your investment. And you don’t need a visa and could benefit from Brazilian citizenship. Small wonder that Brazil investment tops the list.


(Source: Forbes)