Best summer for hotels in Northeast Brazil

Best summer for hotels in Northeast Brazil

July was an excellent month for hotel reservations in Brazil as a whole and particularly in Northeast Brazil. Figures for the second half of 2021 and especially summer 2021/22 are even better and analysts predict the best summer ever for hotels in Northeast Brazil

July bookings up 50% in Northeast Brazil 

According to Tourism Insights, a survey published by TRVL-LAB/ELO in August, hotels in Northeast Brazil had their best July for bookings since January 2019. Sales rose by 49.27% in the busiest month of the winter season in Brazil. 

As the graphic below clearly shows, hotel bookings in Northeast Brazil have been well above 2019 levels since April this year. They’re also well ahead of the average for the country as a whole (up 8.77%). 

graphic showing comparison of bookings for hotels in Northeast Brazil

Higher room rates 

The survey also looked at trends in room rates and revealed that they have risen sharply for hotels in the higher price brackets. For example, hotels with daily rates of between R$401 and R$600 saw an increase of 16.9% in July this year compared to October 2019. The rise was even higher (22.9%) in establishments whose prices exceed R$600

Bookings are currently brisk for December to February meaning that hotel prices are unlikely to go down in the near future. 

Best summer ever for hotels in Northeast Brazil 

Hotel reservations are also strong for the forthcoming summer season in Brazil (December 2021 to February 2022). The survey revealed that 56.98% of Brazilians are planning a staycation during this period. 

Preferences are for sun and beach destinations - almost 75% of people said they intended to holiday on the Brazilian coast. And the vast majority (over 81%) are looking for relaxation. 

Northeast Brazil favourite destination 

The northeast corner of the country is a traditional favourite with Brazilian travellers and it regularly tops the list of favourite destinations. The pandemic has reinforced this trend and Tourism Insights expects the region to see its best summer ever. 

Over 37% of survey respondents said they intended to visit Northeast Brazil and destinations within the region make up five of Brazil’s seven best-selling holiday locations. Furthermore, Northeast Brazil accounts for 81% of all hotel bookings for the second half of this year.  

International travel restrictions have meant that Brazilians who usually go abroad for their holidays have discovered Northeast Brazil this year. The region with its guaranteed sunshine and stunning coastline has also replaced Southeast Brazil for many affluent holidaymakers. 

Ceará best destination in Brazil 

Within Northeast Brazil, the state of Ceará is a preferred holiday spot, particularly for affluent Brazilians from Sao Paulo. This popularity was recently confirmed when Ceará was voted the best tourist destination in the country

Ceará stood ahead of all other Brazilian states in the Top Aviesp 2020 awards from the Association of Sao Paulo Travel Agents. 

New trend for luxury hotels in Northeast Brazil 

Resort hotels have risen to the forefront of holiday trends in Brazil since the outbreak of the pandemic. The survey found that 54% of respondents plan to book a stay at a resort hotel for their 2021/2022 summer holiday. 

Hotel resorts in Ceará are firmly on the radar for the luxury sector and those in beach destinations are particular favourites. “Ceará beaches have been a real hit this year,” said Marcello Zeni, Head of Sales at Teresa Perez Tours, one of the main luxury tour operators in Brazil.

(Source: TRVL-LAB/ELO)