Pecem port receives more investment

Pecem port receives more investment

Three major investments have arrived at Pecem Port, near Fortaleza in Ceará, Northeast Brazil. Between them, they will create hundreds of new jobs in the area and boost the port’s position in the world ranking for logistics and cement production.


Logistics hub in Northeast Brazil

Officials from the national Brazilian steel company (CSN in Brazilian) recently announced that Pecem Port, 55km west of Fortaleza, will become a Hub Port by 2018. The first stage of investment, worth R$800 million, is due to begin shortly and will focus on improving infrastructure at the port for container ships.


By 2018, Pecem Port, already one of the largest in Northeast Brazil, will be able to receive large container ships and serve as a major cargo hub in the region. According to CSN, the port will specialise in the transfer of cargo from container ships to smaller vessels with the emphasis on agricultural and mineral cargos.


Pecem Port will become particularly relevant next year when the expansion of the Panama Canal is completed, a project expected to change shipping logistics in the area. CSN officials pointed out the strategic position of Pecem within the possible new routes in the area. “The key position of Pecem will allow us to reach Asian markets as well as those in eastern US and Europe,” explained José Correria, General Manager at CSN.


Largest cement producer in Northeast Brazil

Also due to arrive in Pecem is a new cement factory. The Brazilian company Polimix has just reached an agreement with Ceará authorities to invest R$140 million in Pecem Port to build the factory installations. Work on the 34-hectare site is due to start in October this year and take 18 months.


Once completed, the cement factory will produce 900,000 tonnes a year and bring Ceará to the top of the ranking in Northeast Brazil. Ceará currently lies in third position behind Sergipe and Paraiba, and by 2017, the state will produce 6,166 million tonnes of cement a year.


Polimix chose Ceará as its new location over others in Brazil for several reasons. The director of the company, José dos Santos, highlighted the state’s booming consumer market, solid infrastructure and good roads as well as its strategic position geographically.


The construction of the Polimix factory will provide between 400 and 800 direct jobs during the 18-month building period. Once the factory is up and running, employment for some 120 people will be available with production creating a further 600 indirect jobs.


Electric car manufacture

Electric car production is also about to start in Pecem Port. The manufacturers of the Nanico car have come to an agreement with the state authorities to start large-scale production from early next year. The Nanico, one of the smallest models on the market, runs on gas or electricity with the option for a solar-powered recharge.


Investment will be to the tune of R$16 million and the factory will create 100 direct jobs at the start of production. A total of 800 people are expected to be employed by the time the factory reaches its full capacity of 500 vehicles a month.


Source: O Povo newspaper