Fortaleza is seventh best city to invest in Brazilian real estate

Fortaleza is seventh best city to invest in Brazilian real estate

The latest Best Cities to Do Business for Brazil reveals that Fortaleza is the seventh best city to invest in Brazilian real estate. The survey highlights the buoyant property market in the city and underlines its favourable business climate. 

Fortaleza climbs 17 places in a year 

The annual Best Cities to Do Business ranks Fortaleza in the seventh position, up from 24 in the previous edition. The survey published by Urban Systems also places Fortaleza in second place within the region of Northeast Brazil. 

The survey looks at six economic sectors: property, education, retail, services, industry and agriculture. The publication aims to help investors and entrepreneurs to do business and highlights focal points to invest in Brazilian real estate

Fortaleza stands out for property 

The city’s buoyant property market is the principal reason it has skyrocketed 17 positions in just a year. The survey emphasizes the strength of the sector, which has just experienced its best year in the last three. 

According to the Flash Imobiliario report, some 8,192 units changed hands in Fortaleza between January and November. Their total value reached R$4.3 billion, the best result since 2019. Luxury property in Ceará performed particularly well in 2022.

On the back of these figures, analysts believe that 2023 will see the launch of over 14,000 new units, valued at R$6.5 billion.

Excellent backdrop to invest in Brazilian real estate

“Nowadays, we have an optimum scenario for investment,” said Patriolino Dias de Sousa, President of the Ceará Construction Union (Sinduscon-CE). He added that the administrative procedures for setting up new businesses in the city have been streamlined, making the paperwork easier and quicker. As a result, he believes that Fortaleza will climb even higher in next year’s ranking. 

The regional economic council (Corecon-CE) agrees with this forecast. It highlights the improvement in infrastructure in the city over the last few years, making property investment in Fortaleza more attractive. 

“Fortaleza is a city that stands out more and more for the diversity of investments,” said Wandemberg Almeida, a member of Corecon-CE. “We’re greatly improved mobility, allowing economic growth and the creation of new businesses in wider areas.”

Other best cities to do business in Brazil 

In national terms, Sao Paulo occupies the top position for Brazilian real estate investment. The country’s financial capital is followed by Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia, which complete the top three. Sao Paulo also leads the country for commerce, while Florianopolis takes first place for education. 

Barueri in the state of Sao Paulo ranks as the best place to invest in services in Brazil, with Caxias do Sul sitting at the top of the table for industry. 

(Source: Ootimista)