Beach destinations in Ceará favourites for Brazilian holidaymakers

Beach destinations in Ceará favourites for Brazilian holidaymakers

Beach destinations in Ceará stand out as favourites among Brazilian holidaymakers for the forthcoming Tiradentes weekend. Regional tourist authorities estimate that around 100,000 visitors chose the state for their holiday weekend, a 12% increase from last year. In addition, most tourists have opted for holiday let accommodation

Beach destinations favoured 

According to the SETUR latest data for the long Tiradentes weekend (21-23 April), some 100,000 Brazilians opted to spend the holiday in Ceará. Guaramiranga in the mountains stood at the top of their preferred vacation spots, but beach destinations in Ceará dominated the listings. 

Jericocoara, famed for its dune sunsets, ranked second, followed by Flecheiras, one of the quietest beaches in Northeast Brazil. Camocim and Canoa Quebrada completed the top five. 

12% more tourists 

The expected 100,000 visitors over the weekend translates to a 12% increase on the same period last year. SETUR estimates that the economic impact will total R$200 million in direct revenue and around R$330 million in the sector as a whole. These figures represent a 20% increase on 2022. 

“As was the case during Easter, Ceará ranks among the most sought-after Tiradentes holiday destinations on travel portals,” said Yrwana Albuquerque, Secretary of Tourism in Ceará. “We’re expecting another long weekend of excellent results for the Ceará economy.”

Holiday lets preferred option 

SETUR expected hotel occupancy in Fortaleza to exceed 62% during the long weekend. However, private holiday lets in the state were the most sought-after accommodation option, particularly at beach destinations in Ceará. 

Tourism activity growth ahead of the national average 

Meanwhile, tourism in Ceará continues to gain ground and stand out as a stellar performer in Brazil. The latest figures from the Brazilian Institute of Statistics (IBGE) show that activity in the tourism sector grew by 7.2% in January, compared to December. The uptick is the second-highest increase in the country and well ahead of the national average (0.5%). 

In annual terms, the growth is even more spectacular. Tourism in Ceará expanded by 24% in the 12 months to January, almost twice the national increase of 12.9%. Yet again, the figure was the second highest in Brazil. 

“These results are very significant,” said Albuquerque, “because they place Ceará at the top of the ranking for the best-performing states in tourism.”

(Source: SETUR, IBGE)